Tuesday, May 10, 2011

K'Ray Noobslappa Part 1: Progess HAS Been Made

I have been super busy, and I also just took a well-needed vacation to New Jersey - so I have been out of the loop.

That is NOT to say that K'Ray Noobslappa has gone by the wayside!  This time I am doing the EXACT opposite and sculpting the base first.

As promised, the helmets are differing colors:

and  looking at the base from the "front":

I have little doubt at this point that I will NOT stick with wax (as it is not permanent) as the final medium, but I can beat the HELL out of the helmets to make them look weather.  You know, like a Noobslapping Ewok just regulated up on a battalion of Stormtroopers.


As I said, I also plan to cast this structure BEFORE the rabid Ewok is mounted to it (that just LOOKS funny even as I type it!!!) because I think it will make a dope ass candle!


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